FPPC Hearing Summary, May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017
Jay Wierenga, FPPC
(916) 322-7761
.pdf version of hearing summary
Below is a summary of the actions of the Fair Political Practices Commission during its monthly hearing. The meeting agenda can be found on our website at www.fppc.ca.gov.
Roll: Chair Remke and Commissioners Casher, Hatch, and Hayward were in attendance.
Item 2: Minutes from April 2017 Commission Hearing. Approved 4-0.
Items 3, 4, 6-15, 17, 18, 20-23, 24-43, 45 and 46: Enforcement Actions. Approved 4-0.
Item 5: Enforcement Action. Approved 3-0.
Item 16: Enforcement Action. Removed from the agenda by Enforcement.
Item 19: Enforcement Action. Approved 3-0.
Item 24: Enforcement Action. Approved 3-0.
Item 44: Enforcement Action. Approved 3-0.
Item 47: Motion to Vacate Default Decision and Order, In the Matter of I-Chinese American Political Action Committee and Victor Gau, FPPC Nos. 15/661 and 16/379. Motion to grant Gua’s motion to vacate default decision, failed 1-3. Default Decision and Order stand.
Item 48 (Closed Session): Pending Litigation (Gov. Code § 11126(e)(1)), Burgess v. Fair Political Practices Commission, Riverside Superior Court Case No: RIC-1510656; discussion of pending litigation regarding attorney’s fees. Report out of closed session: The Commission will appeal the superior court’s order granting attorney’s fees in the Burgess matter.
Item 49 (Closed Session): Administrative Adjudication (Gov. Code § 11126(c)(3)), Consideration of Proposed Decision of Administrative Law Judge, In the Matter of Rabbi Nachum Shifren and Committee to Elect Rabbi Shifren, FPPC No. 14/1109, OAH No. 2016061262. Report out of closed session: The Commission adopts the proposed ALJ decision with the following modifications: a $10,000 reduction in the proposed penalty due to the dismissal of counts 2 and 4, and modification of count 6 to reference only Tony Novelly.
Item 50: Executive Staff Reports. Accepted as submitted.