FPPC Hearing Summary, March 22, 2018
March 22, 2018
Jay Wierenga, FPPC
(916) 322-7761
.pdf version of hearing summary
Below is a summary of the actions of the Fair Political Practices Commission during its monthly hearing. The meeting agenda can be found on our website at www.fppc.ca.gov.
Roll: Chair Remke and Commissioners Audero, Cardenas, Hatch and Hayward were in attendance.
Item 2: Minutes from February 2018 Commission Hearing. Approved with amendments 5-0.
Items 3, 4, 6, 9- 15: Enforcement Actions. Approved 5-0.
Item 5: Motion to hold item until April Commission Hearing. Approved 3-2.
Item 16: Adoption of Amendments to Regulation 18401. Required Recordkeeping. Approved with amendments 5-0.
Item 17: Adoption of Amendments to Regulation 18450.1. Definitions. Advertisement Disclosure. Option 3 approved 3-2.
Item 18: Discussion of Changes to Enforcement Streamline Programs. No action taken. Will move forward with interested person’s meeting.
Item 19: Review of Enforcement Priorities and Procedures. Motion to hold an IP to discuss the scope of all issues in the enforcement process and return results to Commission. Approved 5-0.
Item 20: Report and Recommendations from Ad Hoc Committee Regarding Statement of Governance Principles. No Action taken. To be placed on April agenda as a prenotice regulation with staff analysis.
Item 21: Review of Reports Provided by the Executive Director. Pulled from agenda.
Item 22: Review of Process to Prepare the Commission Agenda for Posting. Motion for agenda items to be placed on the agenda as dictated without modification. Approved 3-2.
Item 23: Executive Staff Reports. Motion to rescind advice letter A-18-009. Approved 4-1. Executive Staff Reports accepted after advice letter rescinded.
Item 24: Proposed Future Agenda Items. Information item.