FPPC Hearing Summary, May 17, 2018
May 17, 2018
Jay Wierenga, FPPC
(916) 322-7761
.pdf version of hearing summary
Below is a summary of the actions of the Fair Political Practices Commission during its monthly hearing. The meeting agenda can be found on our website at www.fppc.ca.gov.
Roll: Chair Remke and Commissioners Audero, Hatch and Hayward were in attendance.
Item 2: Minutes from April 2018 Commission Hearing. Approved 4-0.
Items 3-16 Enforcement Actions. Approved 4-0.
Item 17: Pulled from agenda.
Items 18-19: Enforcement Information Item.
Item 20: Enforcement Review. Motion for Enforcement Review to be conducted by a task force. Approved 3-1. Motion for task force to be compromised of specific interested parties. Approved 3-1. Motion for creation of Ad Hoc committee to find members of task force and bring willing participants back to the June 2018 Commission Meeting. Approved 3-1. Motion to have task force bring recommendations back to the Commission at the December 2018 Commission Hearing. Approved 3-1.
Item 21: Closure Letters in Enforcement. Motion to have “superseded” watermark be replaced with “under review” on Enforcement Closure Letter Examples, April 2014 and add “under review” to Draft Enforcement Division Manual. Approved 3-1. Motion to direct Enforcement Division to limit closure letter language. Approved 3-1.
Item 22: Letter Regarding Closure of Eric Lucan Matter, Case 16/284. Motion to amend Lucan Closure letter to suggested language provided by Commissioner Audero. Tied 2-2, no action. Motion to strike “Please note, however, that this is not a letter of exoneration, and,” from Lucan Closure letter. Approved 3-1.
Item 23: Advice Letter A-18-002, Conflicts of Interest. No Action by Commission.
Item 24: Commissioner Compensation. No Action by Commission.
Item 25: Legislative Update and Staff Recommendation for Commission Position on Legislation. Motion to support SB 1239. Approved 4-0. Motion to oppose AB 664 unless amended. Approved 3-1. Motion to support if amended AB 2155. Approved 3-1. Motion to support AB 2689. Failed 2-1. Motion to support AB 2880 if amended. Approved 3-1.
Item 26: Executive Staff Reports. Accepted as submitted.
Item 27: Proposed Future Agenda Items. Information item.