FPPC Hearing Summary, September 19, 2019
September 19, 2019
Jay Wierenga, FPPC
(916) 322-7761
.pdf version of hearing summary
Below is a summary of the actions of the Fair Political Practices Commission during its monthly hearing. The meeting agenda can be found on our website at www.fppc.ca.gov.
Roll: Chair Miadich and Commissioners Cardenas, Hatch, and Hayward were in attendance.
Item 2: Minutes from August 2019 Commission Hearing. Approved 4-0.
Items 3-18: Enforcement Actions. Approved 4-0.
Item 19: Formatting Updates to Lobbying and Slate Mailer Forms. Approved 4-0.
Item 20: Proposed Rules for Public Participation at Commission Meetings. Motion to adopt proposed rules as is and bring back additional edits based on Commissioner Hatch’s recommendations. Approved 4-0.
Item 21: Prenotice Discussion of Proposed Amendments and Proposed Regulations Related to the Disclose Act. Discussion item.
Item 22 Amendment of Regulation 18422, Multipurpose Organization Political Activity Transparency and Adoption of Regulation 18422.1, Multipurpose Organization Recordkeeping. Approved 3-1.
Item 23: Review of Commissioner Manual. Motion for legal staff to identify the legal requirements and for Commissioner Cardenas to work on best practices in chapters 3 and 4. Approved 4-0. Motion to seek an opinion with the Attorney General on whether 83105 is meant to prohibit Commissioners from making campaign contributions to federal candidates. Approved 4-0.
Item 24: Committee Updates. Information item.
Item 25: Unregistered Lobbying Regulation. Motion to refer the research to the Law & Policy Committee. Approved 4-0.
Item 26: Legislative Update. Motion to send a letter asking the Governor to sign AB 201. Approved 4-0. Motion to send a letter asking the Governor to sign SB 71. Approved 3-1.
Item 27: Advice Letter Report. Accepted as submitted.
Item 28: Proposal to Create Task Force to Study Best Practices for Regulating Campaign Activity on Digital Media. Motion to approve task force with Chair Miadich and Commissioner Hayward working together. Approved 4-0.
Item 29: Executive Staff Reports. Accepted as submitted.
Item 30: Closed Session. Pending Litigation (Gov. Code § 11126(e)(1).).
Item 31: Commissioner Comments and Proposed Future Agenda Items.