FPPC Hearing Summary, December 17, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            

December 17, 2020


Jay Wierenga, FPPC

(916) 322-7761      

.pdf version of hearing summary                                      

Below is a summary of the actions of the Fair Political Practices Commission during its monthly hearing. The meeting agenda can be found on our website at www.fppc.ca.gov

Roll: Chair Miadich and Commissioners Cardenas, Hatch, and Wilson were in attendance.

Item 2: Minutes from November 2020 Commission Hearing. Approved 3-0, Commissioner Hatch was not in attendance for this vote.

Items 3-4: Enforcement Actions. Approved 3-0, Commissioner Hatch was not in attendance for this vote.

Item 5: Enforcement Notice. Information item.

Item 6: Updates to Lobbying, Campaign, and Slate Mailer Forms. Approved 4-0.

Item 7: Pre-Notice Discussion of Regulations Concerning Campaign Contribution Limits. Information item.

Item 8: Adoption of Amendment to Regulation 18351. Approved 4-0.

Item 9: Regulation Projects and Schedule for 2021. Approved 4-0.

Item 10. Committee Updates. Chair Miadich gave an update on the Law and Policy Committee and Public Outreach and Technology Committee meetings.

Item 11. Commissioner Compensation Policy. Motion to delegate to the Chair the power to revise the Commissioner Compensation Policy after soliciting public comment from interested persons, including former Commissioners and governmental ethics experts. Upon completion, the Chair will provide a copy of the updated policy to each Commissioner and the policy will be posted to the website. Approved 4-0.

Item 12. Legislative Update. Staff update.

Item 13. Executive Staff Reports. Accepted as submitted.

Item 14: Closed Session Item.

Item 15: Commissioner Comments and Proposed Future Agenda Items. 
