FPPC Hearing Summary, March 18, 2021
March 18, 2021
Jay Wierenga, FPPC
(916) 322-7761
.pdf version of hearing summary
Below is a summary of the actions of the Fair Political Practices Commission during its monthly hearing. The meeting agenda can be found on our website at www.fppc.ca.gov.
Roll: Chair Miadich and Commissioners Baker, Cardenas, Hatch, and Wilson were in attendance.
Item 2: Minutes from February 2021 Commission Hearing. Approved 4-0, with Commissioner Wood abstaining.
Items 3-7: Enforcement Action. Approved 5-0.
Item 8: Enforcement Action. Item pulled from the agenda.
Item 9: Appointment of Vice Chair. Motion to appoint Commissioner Baker as Vice Chair. Approved 5-0.
Item 10: Prenotice Discussion of Proposed Adoption of Regulations 18952, 18953, and 18954, Permissible Campaign Expenditures. Discussion item.
Item 11: Advice provided regarding local contribution limits. Motion for Staff to bring two opinions to the Commission in April discussing aggregation specific to AB 571 with the topics to include supporting Staff’s current advice rational and aggregation not required. Approved 5-0.
Item 12: Discussion of disclosure on electronic media advertisements. Discussion item.
Item 13: Committee Updates. Chair Miadich gave an update on the Law and Policy Committee and Budget and Staffing Committee. Motion to appoint Commissioner Baker to Law and Policy Committee, Commissioner Cardenas to Budget and Staffing Committee, and Commissioner Wood to Litigation Committee. Approved 5-0.
Item 14: Legislative Update. Motion to support AB 378 and sponsor AB 236, SB 686, and AB 1367. Approved 4-0, with Commissioner Baker abstaining.
Item 15: Executive Staff Reports. Accepted as submitted.
Item 16: Commissioner Comments and Proposed Future Agenda Items.