FPPC Hearing Summary, February 17, 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            

February 17, 2022


Jay Wierenga, FPPC

(916) 322-7761      

.pdf version of hearing summary                                      

Below is a summary of the actions of the Fair Political Practices Commission during its monthly hearing. The meeting agenda can be found on our website at www.fppc.ca.gov

Roll: Chair Miadich and Commissioners Baker, Cardenas, Wilson, and Wood were in attendance.

Item 2: Minutes from December 2021 Commission Hearing. Approved 5-0.

Item 3: Adoption of Amended Form 803, Behested Payment Report. Approved 5-0.

Item 4: Enforcement Action. Motion to reject. Approved 5-0.

Item 5: Enforcement Action. Motion to reject. Approved 5-0.

Item 6: Enforcement Action. Item pulled from agenda.

Items 7-8: Enforcement Notice.

Item 9: Assignment of Hearing to Administrative Law Judge (ALJ): In the Matter of Stop the Strong Mayor Power Grab and Craig Powell; FPPC No. 20/823. Motion to hear case. Approved 5-0.

Item 10: Update Regarding Voiding of Contracts that Violate Government Code Section 1090. Information item.

Item 11: Summary of the Law Concerning Aggregation of Campaign Contributions from Related Entities (Government Code section 82015.5). Information item.

Commissioner Cardenas departed the meeting at 11:58 a.m.

Item 12: In re Leiderman Opinion. Motion to issue opinion. Approved 4-0.

Item 13: Regulation Projects and Schedule for 2022. Approved 4-0.

Item 14: FY 2021/2022 Second Quarter Expenditure Report. Information Item.

Item 15: 2022/2023 Budget. Information item.

Item 16: Legislative Development. Motion to add suggested proposals to Commission sponsored list. Approved 4-0.

Item 17: Update on Legal Division’s Diversion Program. Information item.

Item 18: Executive Staff Reports. Accepted as submitted.

Item 19: Commissioner Comments and Proposed Future Agenda Items. 
