Newly Adopted, Amended, or Repealed Regulations

The following regulations have recently been adopted, amended, or repealed by the FPPC.

Once adopted, amended, or repealed, FPPC staff forwards regulations to the Office of Administrative Law for filing with the Secretary of State. Regulations and amendments go into effect 30 days after they are filed with the Secretary of State's office, unless otherwise specified. Emergency regulations go into effect upon filing.

Newly Adopted and Amended

  • 18202. Definitions. Quasi-Legislative Administrative Action. (amended) effective 1/27/24
  • 18227.5. General Purpose Committees: State, County or City. (amended), effective 7/13/24 
  • 18237. Definitions. Definition of Investment. (amended), effective 7/10/24 
  • 18318. Collections. Executive Director’s Authority for the Settlement of an Order for Monetary Penalties. (adopted), effective 12/27/23
  • 18360.1. Eligibility Requirements and Considerations for Campaign Violations – Streamline (Tiers One and Two), Warning Letters and the Political Reform Education Program (PREP). (adopted), effective 6/12/24 
  • 18360.2. Eligibility Requirements and Considerations for Ethics and Lobbying Violations – Streamline (Tiers One and Two), Warning Letters and the Political Reform Education Program (PREP). effective 6/12/24 
  • 18360.3. Penalties in Streamline Cases. (adopted), effective 6/12/24 
  • 18410. Statement of Organization. (amended), effective 1/1/2024
  • 18421.2. Campaign Disclosure. Cryptocurrency Contributions. (amended), effective 7/10/24 
  • 18450.9. Website Advertisements and Social Media Advertisements. (amended), effective 8/14/24 
  • 18450.10. Advertisements by a Paid Third-Party Influencer (adopted), effective 8/14/24
  • 18534. Required Committee Bank Accounts. (amended), amend 10/17/24 
  • 18703. Public Generally , (amended), amend 11/21/24 new information
  • 18537.1. Carry Over of Contributions, (amended), amend 11/21/24 new information
  • 18932.3. Definition of "Predominant Activity." (adopted), effective 8/1/24 
  • 18991. Audits of Campaign Reports and Statements of Local Candidates and Their Controlled Committees (amended), effective 10/11/24 
  • 18993. Contain in Detail (amended), effective 10/11/24  
  • 18994. Auditing and Investigations (amended), effective 10/11/24  


Recently Repealed

  • 18360.1. Eligibility Requirements and Considerations -- Streamline and Warning Letters. (repeal), effective 6/12/24 
  • 18360.2. Penalties in Streamline Cases. (repeal), effective 6/12/24
  • 18360.3. Eligibility Requirements and Considerations - Tier Two Streamline Program. (repeal), effective 6/12/24
  • 18932.3. Definition of "Predominant Activity". (repeal), effective 8/1/24